
Monday, December 18, 2023

One More Dedicated Post For You

 I love how I become a completely different man when I'm with you. I love the way we meet, twice a year, once in Solo, and once in Jakarta. I love how you through the hard times and become older and wiser. I can picture a movie that has good character development in you.


even a good movie always has an ending. Bad or good it's all about the perspective, right? In the end, I'm regretful yet grateful to through this time. The crazy fact is, I predicted in my older post back in 2016. "In five years time, you might just prove me wrong". Yeah, I'm wrong and misjudged everything. I was late to realize.

So, let's back to the reality as we live in different time and space. Excited to see you in the future with the good life. I'm happy and proud of you. Always. 

Ps, I keep your picture (in the AI version) in the sun visor inside my car.